Max Wifi delivers ‘Sublime’ Wifi to LEWEB UK 2013

Le Web 2013 300x200 Max Wifi delivers ‘Sublime’ Wifi to LEWEB UK 2013 Exhibition NewsWireless specialists Max WiFi delivered nearly 800 gigabytes of information over 2 days for Europe’s top technology conference LeWeb last week. LeWeb, which took place at Central Hall Westminster on 5th and 6th June, was attended by over 1,300 delegates from 46 countries congregating to hear talks around the theme ‘New Sharing Economy.’ Speakers from heavy-weight web-based companies included Yelp, Spotify, Google and Facebook.

Over the 2 day conference the most devices used at any one time was a staggering 1,175. Video and social media accounted for 40% of the traffic over WiFi and 60% of devices – such as tablets and the latest smart-phones – used the 5GHz frequency.

Twitter was awash with news about LeWeb with tweets reaching a crescendo of over 2,000 per hour before lunch on 5th June. There was much talk about the WiFi with delegates tweeting ‘#leweb is the only tech conference to get the #wifi right.’ Another tweeter praised the conference to have ‘sublime WiFi.’ Conference founder Loic LeMeur said ‘#LeWeb superb network was provided by Max WiFi, highly recommended for your events.’

Richard Hughes, Managing Director of Max WiFi said ‘After considerable investment into a new Cisco system, the network handled the number of devices with ease with room for more had it been required. Connectivity was maintained throughout, showing that a dedicated fibre optic connection is the only option for fail-safe communications at an event.’

Bastien Vidal, Director of Business Development, New Media and Technology for Le Web said ‘Max WiFi delivered an excellent network, we were delighted and so were our delegates. Sharing content is really important for us as our social media dashboard shows. WiFi is not something we take chances with. It has to be good.’

Managing Director Richard Hughes cut his teeth in the world of the internet working at BT for BTnet back in 1996. His knowledge of temporary wireless communications for events is second to none and is frequently asked to deliver networks internationally.

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