Royal Marines abseil down Colston Hall for Civil Service Live

Civil Service Live Colston Hall 2013 2 of 2 300x224 Royal Marines abseil down Colston Hall for Civil Service Live Exhibition NewsBristol commuters were greeted with a very unusual sight on the city skyline yesterday morning (3rd July) as four Royal Marines scaled the dizzying heights of the iconic Colston Hall and abseiled down to launch Civil Service Live – Be Exceptional.

The stunt was designed to launch the first time that the event, which is now in its fifth year, has taken place in Bristol. The city was chosen as an additional destination due to the significant numbers of civil servants compared to other places across the UK.

The one day conference was attended by senior stakeholders from government departments, agencies and private sector organisations to launch and communicate new government policy, share best practice and showcase collaborative working.

Colston Hall was chosen as the setting for this landmark event as its large capacity and variety of event spaces made the format of this multifunctional event possible, providing organisers Dods with greater flexibility when designing the programme.

Upon arrival, delegates gathered outside to watch the Royal Marines abseiling down the venue’s gold facade, accompanied by music from a four-man military band. Once inside, they were able to explore the plethora of exhibition stands which filled the first, second and third floors, as well as lining the adjoining walkways. The main conference took place in Hall 1 with video messages from David Cameron and Nick Clegg to set the tone for the day.

Christina Hunter, Head of Government Events at Dods:

“We have had a fantastic time collaborating with Colston Hall to deliver a successful event. It was great to have the Royal Marines involved capturing the imagination of delegates on arrival with their breathtaking demonstration, ensuring the day started with a bang.”

Naomi Easy, Sales and Conference Manager at Colston Hall comments:

“Hosting Bristol’s first ever Civil Service Live was a huge testament to the venue’s value within the region as a versatile large events space. We have really enjoyed working with organisers Dods and the Cabinet Office to host the exhibition and we are especially proud to see the venue being efficiently utilised to its full capacity. “

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