Exhibition & Exhibitor Report: LOGIS-TECH TOKYO 2014

“International Logistics Fair 2014 LOGIS-TECH TOKYO 2014″ is Asia’s largest exhibition on Transport & Logistics.
This year’s theme is “Find the recipe of management innovation – resolved in logistics”. The exhibition is held for the purpose to gether hardware of the latest logistics equipment and systems and services of domestic and abroad, to promote the provision and people-to-people exchanges, such as the improvement and information of trade and technology.
418 exhibitors and 130,000 visitors are planned this year.
The exhibition’s session is four days the September 9th to 12th, 2014. The venue is Tokyo Big sight.
The official homepage of LOGIS-TECH TOKYO 2014:http://www.logis-tech-tokyo.gr.jp/

Hip auxiliary hardware “muscle suit” – upr Corporation

Electric arm with a mechanical lift “SA arm lift” – SAN-AI CORPORATION

Drive Recorder for forklift – Toolmart Co., Ltd.

2-axis integrated AC servo driver “ABH3 Series” – Waco Giken Co., Ltd.

Vehicle gate for traffic separation “Load barrier” – Nihon Kaba K.K.