Sound & Art Exhibition “Music to See, Shape to Hear”

From November 6 to November 21, the Sound & Art Exhibition will present more than 40 works under the key theme “Music to See, Shape to Hear”.
The exhibition will take place at the 3331 Arts Chiyoda gallery and is organized by the Creative Arts Executive Committee and the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education.
From Intonarumori – the experimental musical instruments invented and built by the Italian futurist Luigi Russolo between 1910 and 1930, to Sound Tube by the Japanese pioneer of sound art Hiroshi Yoshimura, to Invisible Soundscape ~version 1: (1 + √5)/2+x~ by Claire Fujita, the total of 19 artists from 5 countries will present their works.
Some of the works on display, including the Sound Sculptures by Bernard and Francois Baschet and Fragments of Sound by Kenichi Kanazawa, allow visitors to experience sound creation for themselves.
Other works on display include sound tools constructed from natural materials such as bamboo and wood, sculptures made of iron and metal, and works created using a variety of techniques, including those composed of mass-produced products.

Sound & Art Exhibition “Music to See, Shape to Hear”
Period: November 6 (Sat) – November 21 (Sun) 12:00 – 18:00
Venue: 3331 Arts Chiyoda 1F Main Gallery
Admission: ¥1,200 for adults / ¥600 for high school and university students / ¥300 for junior high school students and younger / free admission for preschool children
※Reservation required.