G7 Summit in Hiroshima

G7 Summit in Hiroshima: details of maintenance and renovation projects.
On September 2nd, the City of Hiroshima announced a supplementary budget proposal for the G7 Hiroshima Summit taking place next May.
The G7 is a meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of seven countries, consisting of Japan, US, Canada, France, UK, Germany, Italy and the European Union.
Of the proposed supplementary budget, 20,141,655 USD was allocated for the G7 Hiroshima Summit.
The breakdown is as follows:
(1) Communication enhancement of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (including a multilingual homepage supporting major languages ​​of G7 participating countries)
(2) Renovation of the International Conference Center (installing western-style toilets);
(3) Renewal of tourist signs;
(4) Roadside and park tree trimming;
(5) Environmental improvement of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park;
(6) Contribution to the Hiroshima Heliport Improvement Project;
(7) Road Environment Improvement
(8) Sewerage System Environment Improvement
For details, refer to the Hiroshima City homepage.