Interphex Week Tokyo 2024: Revolutionizing the Pharmaceutical Industry [MICE News]

On Wednesday, June 26, Interphex Week Tokyo 2024, Japan’s most expansive pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry MICE trade fair, opened alongside Regenerative Medicine Expo Tokyo 2024 at the Tokyo Big Sight. Over 900 exhibiting companies from across the globe are showcasing the latest innovations in manufacturing, ingredients, and packaging for use in pharmacies and medical laboratories. Japan’s leading MICE news outlet POP Inc. is covering the event.

Interphex Week consists of four specialized shows: Interphex Japan, in-Pharma Japan, PharmLab Expo, and BioPharma R&D Expo. Covering all eight halls of the Big Sight’s east wing, the aisles have been packed to the brim with industry professionals since doors opened, and the excitement is palpable amongst annual reunions of colleagues and first-time encounters between buyers and exhibitors. The event features a total of 170 seminars, which are free to attend for all visitors.

Nippon Express (NX) Wanbishi Archives Co., Ltd. is focusing its exhibit on promoting its cryogenic archives service. The archives provide cold storage and transportation solutions for temperature-sensitive medicinal laboratory ingredients, such as cell cultures. The company’s information management center has incorporated freezers that are chilled to 5°C, -30°C and -80°C, as well as a liquid nitrogen tank for deep freezing to temperatures below -150°C. Cold chain transportation is offered either by use of freezer packs calibrated to the aforementioned temperatures or in a gas-chilled dry chamber.
Cryogenic Archives Development Office Assistant Manager Kakunoshin Oe emphasized that NX works hard to ensure that its customers can feel secure while using the company’s services. All the facilities are owned and operated in-house by qualified experts, and NX holds certifications in pharmaceutical manufacturing and quality control management, among others.
Official website:

Honda Plus Co., Ltd. is displaying its wide array of plastic bottles. Anywhere from bottles that mimic the look and feel of stones to ring-shaped bottles that can be worn on a finger, the company offers a plethora of stylish options to store all sorts of liquids. Honda Plus aims to reduce the use of glass bottles in the pharmaceutical industry in order to mitigate the harmful effects of CO2. The intensive process of glass production is generally regarded as releasing more CO2 than that of plastic, in addition to extra CO2 emitted during transport of the relatively heavier glass products. Furthermore, glass is estimated to take thousands to up to millions of years to break down completely, if can at all. It has been said that humans have not yet seen the day when even a single glass bottle has decomposed.
Honda Plus’s Osaka Branch Office Chief Teruyuki Kawamoto explained that the company chose to exhibit during Interphex Week in order to introduce its new manufacturing technologies to users. He was grateful that the attendee turnout at the booth had been incredibly favorable throughout the first day of the event.
Official website:

Etorch Pharmtech Co., Ltd. ventured all the way from Shanghai, China to exhibit its extensive bottle filling machinery line. Covering the entire production process from manufacturing bottles, to sterilization, all the way to sealing and packaging, Etorch machines are perfect for all varieties of liquids used in the pharmaceutical industry, including eye drops, infusion solutions, and syrups. The company is one of many international exhibitors using Interphex Week as an avenue to break into the Japanese market, to varying degrees of success. Etorch, for example, appears to be at a disadvantage to Japanese manufacturers who are able to display machines in-person and provide demonstrations of their actual applications. The Etorch staff, however, is not discouraged by this prospect and is looking forward to gaining customers throughout the rest of the event.
Official website:

Interphex Week will continue through Friday, June 28 at the Tokyo Big Sight, and visitor registration is still available for the final day.