Lecture of Latest MICE information of Vietnam

MPI JAPAN will hold the “MPI JAPAN August Seminar” at Roppongi Academy Hills 49 on 28th August.

Mr. Tomoyuki Iwashita of the Travel Journal, Mr Horiuchi of the Vietnam Airlines, Ms Suzuki of the ISC and Mr Tamai of the e-tech Group will talk about the attractions of Vietnam and the business situation of MICE.

Vietnamese food, drinks and products will be presented in this seminar where all the participants can feel about Vietnam through the food/ wine tasting.

According to ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization), the growth of the demand of air transportation in the Asian Pacific area will be at a annual rate of 5.8% in the future, indicating the highest growth in the world.

And with new services expansion of LCC in Asia, travel business in ASEAN is expected to be grown more than ever.

The lecture will be about the Vietnam, which draw attentions in ASEAN travel business. Four Vietnam specialists, who are authorities on the latest information, will be giving lectures.

After the lectures, attendants will have Networking Programs at a popular Vietnamese restaurant, “Cyclo”.

For more information refer to the MPI JAPAN website: http://www.mpijapan.com/event.html

Date: 2012/8/28 16:00-18:00
Venue: Roppongi Academy Hills 49
Subject of speech:
“Travel to ASEAN countries; the fascination of Vietnam and the Latest MICE information ” (Tentative)
“Travel to Vietnam; Comport and Atmosphere” (Tentative)
“Fascination of Vietnam; Food, Fun and Approach to MICE business” (Tentative)