Trade show report -IT&CMA 2012

I went to an interview with “IT & CMA 2012” exhibition business meeting, which was held in Bangkok on October 2.

Business meeting presentations on the manner of operation and awards have been written so far. And there were many questions like “How was the event?” that were received. And because of that, a business meeting presentation and event type of press conference will be reported.

– Keynote –


Mr. Martin Winter, District President of ICCA Asia Pacific Ocean, delivered the keynote address. “Innovation encourage growth beyond the region” is the theme.
He said,”New technologies will be the engine to advance the industry, and improve networking and diversification of method information transfer”, “especially in mature markets, only innovation and creativity are the new business opportunities.”
After that, he also talk with Mr. Welf Ebeling of GBTA.

– Opening Ceremony –

TTG’s event is known for networking, and it programs a lot of events that let participants interact with each other.

Before the opening ceremony, a cocktail party lasted roughly for an hour. Many Japanese, including myself, do not feel comfortable at a gathering like this, but you only need one chatty friend. You just need to listen to that person talking, and others gather around him, so you can meet people easily.

After the greetings from the people involved, surprisingly a fashion show started.


– Press Conference –

A press conference was held every half hour.

The photograph below is Mr. Thomas Tsou of Taiwan Convention & Exhibition Association, and the woman staff who publicized it in a T-shirt of “Say Yes to Taipei.”



◆ Pictures of the exhibition hall
(a photograph is enlarged when click it)