Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center has announced grant of expenses of exhibition


Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center has announced its initiation of “promotion service for SME Management and technological development”.
The briefing session of “1.Promotion service for the market development” and “2.Promotion service for the development of technology and products” will be held in January.

Outline of the “1.Promotion service for the market development” is when the product was well-accepted by Support Center and being planed to put on display, Support Center will carry part of the financial cost.

Time horizon will be maximum one year and three month[Apr.1, 2013 – Jun.30 2014].
The amount limit of financial aid is three million yen or it will circumscribed to a half of the total cost.

Those writings below will be recognized as a target of financial aid.
1. rental charge for the show space
2. budget for materials
3. transportation charge
4. merchandising expenses[including issue cost of DM and index], advertising expenses
[If participating foreign exhibition, expenses for hiring translator will be also included]

Before applying, enter the Support Center’s web page and check where if applicable or not.

Person in charge of promotion service, Mr. Kuno who is working for Planning and Coordination Department says, “Japanese manufacturing industries are changing its business model from contracted manufacturing to direct transaction. Even at the outside of the company, sometimes business deal was been made by sudden. I hope this promotion service can help participant to gain such a deal at the exhibition.”