The Conference Suite of the Future at International Confex 2013 to be presented by Crystal Interactive and Musion

SMILE audience devices 300x197 The Conference Suite of the Future at International Confex 2013 to be presented by Crystal Interactive and Musion                                         Exhibition NewsOn Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 March, audience engagement specialist Crystal Interactive and holographic projection technology specialist Musion, will be running a seminar at International Confex entitled The Conference Suite of the Future. This will reveal five key trends pointing to ways in which technologies will combine at events to give delegates a more memorable, integrated experience.

The session will be a collaboration between the two companies and is designed to help organisers better anticipate the needs and expectations of their future audiences.

Crystal Interactive Managing Director Chris Elmitt said: “Technology is creating much greater freedom and flexibility, for attendees and speakers alike.  We’ll be explaining how event content will become more portable, presenters will be more mobile, and delegates will actively shape the content of the events they attend – partly thanks to their ability to share ideas and insights using their own mobile devices at events.”

In addition to hearing presentations and seeing demonstrations by Chris Elmitt and Musion Director James Rock, seminar attendees will be given the chance to experience the newest event technology first-hand.

The seminar will be held in the Live Lounge at International Confex, at 11.15-12.00 on both Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 March.

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