Aztec unify communications at UC Expo 2013.

Aztec Event Services delivered AV equipment and services for seminars, exhibitors and the central bar area at the recent Unified Communications Expo 2013 (UC Expo), at Olympia, London on 4-5 March. The show, organised by Imago Techmedia attracted over 4000 communications, collaboration and technology professionals.

Selected by Imago Techmedia as official supplier for AV, Aztec provided full AV services for 6 seminar rooms with a standard projector and PA setup, combined with a provision for audio and projector feeds for the filming of each seminar. More than 70 exhibitors took advantage of Aztec’s AV offering, from simple laptops to digital display screens and PAs. Aztec also collaborated with Imago Techmedia to create the “speaker lounge” –  a suite of computers where speakers could upload and check their digital presentation content and notes, and push them to the systems waiting in each seminar room.

Aztec sent ten technicians to UC Expo for the rig and de-rig, and maintained a crew of 7 technicians on site for the duration of the show. Six technicians were assigned a seminar room each, and one was designated a floating show tech to assist and support exhibitors.

The central, open plan, bar at UC Expo was the venue for a daily ‘flashmob’ organised by Siemens to promote its line of seminars, and featured a powerful PA and numerous speakers mounted on suspended trusses above, installed and operated by Aztec technicians. Every day a troupe of dancers would emerge from the milling crowds at a predetermined time, and the music, which needed to be heard across the whole exhibition space to draw the crowds, would begin.  Aztec also provided 12 iPads for the show that were installed with Imago’s management software.

Speaking after the show, Alex Joicey at Imago Techmedia said: “Aztec was official for AV at UC Expo last year and didn’t disappoint. This year the technicians really excelled themselves, taking the tight deadlines for the build in their stride, and delivering literally faultless AV across the show.”

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