Osaka Sightseeing Bureau started services

The Osaka Sightseeing Bureau, which was invested by Osaka prefecture, Osaka city, and a financial circle in Kansai, has been launched on April 1 and started services.

Based on a catch phrase of “Asian Gate Way Osaka”, they aim threefold increasing of 2.13 million foreign tourists to Osaka in last year to 6.50 million, and making an economical effect of 182 billion yen by 2020.

The prefecture, the city, and the economic circle each defrays 0.25 billion yen from their budgets of this fiscal year. They will integrally perform project, planning, and promotion of a sightseeing strategy by utilizing gross 0.75 billion yen.

Mr. Kunio Kanou, who was an ex-member of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, has assumed the first chief of the bureau.